Senior's Blog


















import ui
pS1 = pS2 = pS3 = pS4 = 0
no1 = no2 = no3 = no4 = 0
match9 = 0
matchC = 0
matchP = 0
NumX = 0
NumTotal = 0

def SetPreNum(sender):
  global pS1, pS2, pS3, pS4
  txtfield = sender.superview['textfield0']
  pNum = int(txtfield.text) #preNum
  pS1 = int(pNum/1000) #1st. for pre.
  pNum = pNum - pS1*1000 #renew
  pS2 = int(pNum/100) #2nd. for pre.
  pNum = pNum - pS2*100 #renew
  pS3 = int(pNum/10) #3rd. for pre.
  pS4 = int(pNum%10) #4th. for pre.


def CheckPreNum(sender, aNum):
  chkNum = aNum
  cS1 = int(chkNum/1000) #1st. for check
  chkNum = chkNum - cS1*1000
  cS2 = int(chkNum/100) #2nd. for check
  chkNum = chkNum - cS2*100
  cS3 = int(chkNum/10) #3rd. for check
  cS4 = chkNum - cS3*10 #4th. for check
  ret = 0
  if cS1 == pS1:
    ret += 1
  if cS1 == pS2:
    ret += 2
  if cS1 == pS3:
    ret += 4
  if cS1 == pS4:
    ret += 8
  if cS2 == pS1:
    ret += 16
  if cS2 == pS2:
    ret += 32
  if cS2 == pS3:
    ret += 64
  if cS2 == pS4:
    ret += 128
  if cS3 == pS1:
    ret += 256
  if cS3 == pS2:
    ret += 512
  if cS3 == pS3:
    ret += 1024
  if cS3 == pS4:
    ret += 2048
  if cS4 == pS1:
    ret += 4096
  if cS4 == pS2:
    ret += 8192
  if cS4 == pS3:
    ret += 16384
  if cS4 == pS4:
    ret += 32768
  return ret

def CheckAdd9(sender, c):
  global no1, no2, no3, no4
  chkNum = int(c)
  no1 = int(chkNum/1000) #1st. for check
  chkNum = chkNum - no1*1000
  no2 = int(chkNum/100) #2nd. for check
  chkNum = chkNum - no2*100
  no3 = int(chkNum/10) #3rd. for check
  no4 = chkNum - no3*10 #4th. for check
  ret = 0 #clear
  if (no1+no2)==9:
    ret = 1 #NO1+NO2=9
  if (no2+no3)==9:
    ret = 2 #NO2+NO3=9
  if (no3+no4)==9:
    ret = 3 #NO3+NO4=9
  return ret

def CheckContinue(sender):
  global no1, no2, no3, no4
  ret = 0
  if (no1-no2)==1 or (no1-no2)==-1:
    ret = 12
  if (no1-no3)==1 or (no1-no3)==-1:
    ret = 13
  if (no1-no4)==1 or (no1-no4)==-1:
    ret = 14
  if (no2-no3)==1 or (no2-no3)==-1:
    ret = 23
  if (no3-no4)==1 or (no3-no4)==-1:
    ret = 34
  return ret

def clickButtonStart(sender):
  global pS1, pS2, pS3, pS4
  global match9, matchC, matchP
  global NumTotal
  # print(pS1,pS2,pS3,pS4)
  txtview = sender.superview['textview1']
  c = 0
  for c in range(10000):
    match9 = CheckAdd9(sender, c)
    matchC = CheckContinue(c)
    matchP = CheckPreNum(sender, c)

    if *1:
      #add list
      NumX = c
      txtview.text += (str(NumX) + '\n')
      NumTotal += 1
  txtfield = sender.superview['textfield1']
  txtfield.text = str(NumTotal)

v = ui.load_view()

*1:match9 != 0) and (matchC != 0) and (matchP != 0